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PhD Students

  • Anthony Durand: Human cognition, anthropo- and zoo-morphism and social interactions, Laurent Bègue-Shankland (LIP/PC2S) [Dec. 2022-Nov. 2025]
  • Arold Gaborit: Perception and human-robot interfaces, application to continuous robots for medical applications, Sandrine Caroly (Pacte Lab) , Mohamed Taha Chikhaoui (TIMC) & Hassen Fourati (Gipsa Lab) & Ahmad Hably (Gipsa Lab) [Oct. 2023-Sep. 2026]
  • Allan Henry: Voice control of a flying robot: exploring the vocal components of guidance to improve user-friendly metaphors, Ernesto Gomez-Balderas (GIPSA Lab), Christian Graff (LPNC), Sylvain Huet (GIPSA Lab)  & Solange Rossato (LIG) [Dec. 2023-Nov. 2026]
  • Quentin Levent: Social navigation of mobile robots in intralogistics contexts, Pierre David (G-SCOP) & Thierry Fraichard (INRIA) [Dec. 2023-Nov. 2026]
  • Thibault Lopez: Perception and acceptability of an operator interacting with an industrial robot, Véronique Aubergé (LIG), Olivier Aycard (GIPSA Lab) & Pierre-Brice Wieber (INRIA) [Nov. 2022-Oct. 2025]

Submitted on June 18, 2024

Updated on September 10, 2024