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BOOT Scientific Workshop 2023

Workshop / Research

On June 15, 2023

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

First scientific workshop of the BOOT project


  • 11h00-11h45: review of the first year of  BOOT (Olivier Aycard & Laurent Bègue-Shankland)
  • 11h45-12h30: Keynote presentation "Mobile Robot Use Cases in Industrial and Hospital Environments" by Fabien Benoteau from the Meanwhile company
  • 12h30-14h00: lunch break
  • 14h00-16h00: Scientific talks of BOOT recruits (PhD and Master students)
    • Thibault Lopez, "Perception of an Operator Sharing his Workspace with an Industrial Robot and Acceptability of the Movements of this Robot by the Operator"
    • Béatrice Pirras, "Analysis of Individual Variabilities for the Adaptation of the Behavior of a Cobot in an Industrial Environment and Impact of their Consideration on the Performance of the Human-Robot Task"
    • Florian Grux, “Exploration of Guidance by Voice of a Drone”
    • Hussein Harb, “New Navigation Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Intralogistics Operations”
    • Arold Gaborit, “Shape/Whole-Body Estimation of Continuum Robots”
    • Anthony Durand, "Anthropomorphism, its Determinants and Behavioral Consequences"
    •  Jordane Carpanedo, "Analysis of the Implementation of Physical Assistance Devices (Exoskeletons, Wearable Robotics, etc.) in Various Work Environments"
    •  Jeanne Plaine, "User Testing of a Trajectory Planning Interface by Operators who are not Programming Experts"
  • 16h00-16h30: Summary of the day


On June 15, 2023


Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Complément lieu

GIPSA Lab, Mont Blanc seminar room

Submitted on June 19, 2024

Updated on August 26, 2024