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Aerial robotics platform

Experimentation on drones

Aerial robotics platform
Different releases of personalized drones and the experimental platforms to test drones.

This platform gathers test means for experimentation on drones. In particular, it benefits from a hardware and software prototyping chain for custom-made drones that can then be tested outdoors thanks to the team's certified telepilots.

It also includes a 70m² indoor aviary equipped with a motion capture system and a wind tunnel.

The teaching and research platform Robotme of ENSE3 and GIPSA-lab is an environment equipped with a motion capture system and a set of ground and flying robots adapted to teaching and research.

More information (in French): Aerial robotic, Robotme.


  • GIPSA-lab
  • ENSE3

Submitted on July 5, 2024

Updated on July 8, 2024